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Order summary

The Order summary page displays all the products that you have selected. You can check the options you chose for each item by clicking the sign that is to the left of each item. This will expand a list of all the options you selected.



The references you entered for this order appear at the top of the page for you to check:




We display the site address, delivery details and the ordered on behalf of links (if you have entered it) along with the price without VAT, the VAT and total price including VAT. To view the delivery details click on the Delivery details link, and the address that you have entered will open in a new window.  Likewise, click the Ordered on behalf of link to view those details.






At this stage you can still edit the site address.  This will only change the text, and does not affect the site that you have chosen, which will remain unchanged. To edit the address, click on the edit link next to the site address.



You can print this summary in its expanded form for reference or view it as a PDF by clicking on the buttons provided:



You may need to get confirmation from your client or line manager regarding costs before proceeding and submitting the order, if so please read Saving quotes.


If you are happy with the order summary read and accept the terms and conditions before submitting your order. To read the terms, click on the Landmark Product Terms link. Once you have agreed the terms, tick the box:



then click the submit order button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen:



A warning will appear to confirm the cost, if you are happy, click the ok button.



The Order confirmation page will now appear. For further information about this page please read Order confirmation.




Next: Saving quotes