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Changing your password


1.In the Main Menu click the Admin button.



2.Click the change password button.





3. All three text fields must be completed. Your new password must meet the following criteria:
It must be at least 6 characters long
It must be no more than 16 characters long
It must contain only upper and lower case letters and numbers        


Note: your password is case sensitive, i.e. LaNdMaRk is not considered to be the same password as landmark.



4.Click the submit button.



5.If the new password is accepted you will see the following message on screen:



6.If there was a problem with your request you will see the following:



This could mean that either the old password has been entered incorrectly, or the passwords in the Enter new password and Confirm new password fields did not match. Please try again.




Next: Deleting a user