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Locating by OS tile number


OS Tile numbers e.g. TL5904SW are often found on the top of OS sheets. Envirocheck will convert the OS tile number you provide in to the closest Easting and Northing co-ordinates.


1.Enter your OS tile number to the box provided and click the next button.



2.If a correct tile number has been entered, an Easting and a Northing will be displayed on the Address Search page.



3.To view a map of your site, click the go to map button. Envirocheck will now display your site on screen


4.If you see an alert like this:



it means that the tile number that you were searching for could not be located.   This more than likely means that you have mistyped the tile number. Click the OK button. You will remain on the search page, where you can check the details that you have entered.




Next: Defining your site