Locating by OS Easting and Northing
If you are trying to locate a rural location you may be provided with an Easting and a Northing.
An Easting and Northing value will identify any single point on a map. They are given as values in metres, and take the form 528951, 179637 where the first series of numbers is the Easting and the second is the Northing. Please note that an Easting and a Northing can specify different degrees of accuracy depending on how much information is in it e.g. 498747 272142 is ten times more accurate than 498740 272140. Therefore you may need to navigate in the map we provide to find your specific site. Please refer to Zooming in, out and navigating for further help with navigation.
Searching by OS Easting and Northing
1. | Enter your OS Easting and Northing in the boxes provided and click the next button. |
2. | The Easting and Northing will be displayed on the page. |
3. | To view a map of your site, click the go to map button. Envirocheck will now display your site on screen. |
Next: Defining your site