When the Help instructions ask you to click something, it means you should move the mouse pointer over it and press down the left button on the mouse once, this can also be called left-clicking. Try left-clicking the button below. If you have clicked it correctly an alert will appear.
When the instructions ask you to right-click something, you move the mouse cursor over it and press down the right button once. Try right-clicking the button below. If you have clicked it correctly an alert will appear.
In order to double-click something, you move the mouse cursor over it and press down the left button twice in quick succession. Try double-clicking the button below. If you have clicked it correctly an alert will appear.
Drag and drop
To click and drag you move the mouse pointer over the object or area you want to move to another part of the screen. Then press and hold down the left button on the mouse. Now move (or drag) the object or mouse pointer to the desired location by physically moving your mouse. To release (or drop) the object, you release the mouse button.
Using items on our pages
You may find any of the following items on the Envirocheck pages:
(The drop-down list, the text boxes, the radio-buttons, the text-boxes and the "clicking" exercises are all working examples to allow you to familiarise yourself with their usage)
Drop-down lists
Click on the down arrow to open the list.
Then click the option you want using your mouse. This will automatically close the drop-down list. To close it without changing the option that was previously selected, click outside of the list.
Text boxes
Click inside the box to put the cursor there. Type your text. There are two different types that you will see. Both of them are used in the same way.
Radio buttons
Use the mouse to click it to select the option next to it. When there are several radio buttons, it means that you can only select one of the options. In the diagram below you can see a group of radio boxes. If you click the radio button next to Option A below you will see from the black dot that appears, that the option has been selected. If you then select Option B you will see that is now selected and Option A has been de-selected.
Option A
Option B
Option C
This is different from tick boxes. See below.
Tick boxes
Click to select the option next to it. If you have correctly selected the box, it will appear ticked. You can select as many tick boxes as you like.